Posts Tagged ‘Radio’



As mentioned yesterday I’ve been struggling to listen to music since the beginning of the happening. Thankfully there have been some exceptions to the rule. Principal among these is Ollust, an album by Broads and Milly Hirst which was released earlier this month on the independent Humm label. As a proud citizen of Norfolk any art produced […]



A quick one today, and another return to radio. Since the beginning of the happening I’ve struggled to listen to music (not entirely sure why – I think I need the reassuring sound of voices), however radio has filled the gap left admirably. One of radio programmes that has provided a greater deal of comfort […]



Radio drama is a much maligned medium and to be honest sometimes justifiably so. However sometimes it’s a delight, and writer Katherine Jakeways is someone responsible for the some of the very best. I can’t remember stumbling across the first couple of episodes of her Where This Service Will series, but I can remember that since that […]

Earlier this year I attended Boring IX, a conference dedicated to the “celebration of the mundane, the ordinary, the obvious and the overlooked”. As ever the day was anything but boring, with my personal highlight being the talk from Joyce Smith. Joyce spoke about her love of box certificates, the circular stamps that contain essential shipping […]

If you’ve missed the first three volumes of Speechification then further context can be found elsewhere, specifically here (for Volume #1), here (for Volume #2) and here (for Volume #3). The Fens: Discovering England’s Ancient Depths First up is five pieces of radio rather than one (principally because I haven’t had the time to work out how […]



Given my lack of activity recently, returning with a blogpost on slow radio seems entirely apposite. A new wave of slow radio arrives on the back of BBC Radio 3 promising a more rigorous commitment with a raft of commissions that will provide listeners with “a chance for quiet mindfulness and a consideration of the […]

If you’ve missed Speechification Vol.001 and Vol.002 then further context can be found elsewhere. I won’t repeat myself for a third time because that may alienate the few people who still pay an (intentional) occasional visit. So here are three pieces of radio (and one additional piece of music), two from BBC Radio 4 (albeit one […]

A few years ago there was a corner of the world wide web called Speechification. According to those behind Speechification, it was “A blog of Radio 4. Not about Radio 4 but of it. We point to the bits we like, the bits you might have missed, the bits that someone might have sneakily recorded. And other […]

Four years ago almost to the day (and there’s a reason for this) I wrote about stumbling upon a piece of radio which was both beautifully ordinary and extraordinary in equal measure. Today the PM radio programme reprised Geoffrey’s earlier journey to Swansea, this time seeing him take a trip by train into Cardiff. And once again it was […]

A few weeks ago I wrote about my love of radio. Then whilst slowly dragging through the rush hour traffic in Newcastle recently we switched on BBC Radio 4 to hear Mr Geoffrey Harris. Mr Harris had responded to the PM programme’s suggestion that the 29th February could be a day on which to do […]