Radio, Live Transmission


Earlier this year I attended Boring IX, a conference dedicated to the “celebration of the mundane, the ordinary, the obvious and the overlooked”. As ever the day was anything but boring, with my personal highlight being the talk from Joyce Smith.

Joyce spoke about her love of box certificates, the circular stamps that contain essential shipping information that are found on cardboard boxes – a subject perfectly suited to the day, and during her talk reminded me (presumably not just me) that two of anything is a collection.

So given that the image above shows the second QSL card that has come into my ownership I’d like to welcome you to my new collection.

(I don’t know much about the cards. However they seem be have been used (are being used? not sure if people still use them post internet) since the 1920s by amateur radio broadcasters to confirm how far their signals were being received.)

2 Responses to “Radio, Live Transmission”

  1. 1 Tom

    Why yes, QSL cards are indeed still in use today. They are rapidly being replaced by digital confirmation methods. I can see you one of mine if you wish.


    • Hello Tom – and thanks for stopping by. I’m pleased to hear that they’re still in use, albeit on their last legs. I was made aware of this book a few weeks ago which I’d love to get a copy of: and if you have a spare card then I’d be happy to add it to the collection 🙂

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