Posts Tagged ‘Collecting’

Earlier this year I attended Boring IX, a conference dedicated to the “celebration of the mundane, the ordinary, the obvious and the overlooked”. As ever the day was anything but boring, with my personal highlight being the talk from Joyce Smith. Joyce spoke about her love of box certificates, the circular stamps that contain essential shipping […]

Another batch of Ladybird books has arrived at Weir HQ and I don’t think I’ve ever added a finer selection to the number that I already own. Thanks to a colleague’s local auction house I am now the owner of a number of 1st edition Ladybirds resplendent in pristine matching dust jackets. Admittedly they’re some of […]

As a collector of far too many things, Roo Reynolds’ recent excellent blog post on collecting explains an awful lot. I’ve never really considered why I collect what I collect because I think that travelling down roads such as those is probably a dangerous business and to be honest I don’t need any additional help in the […]

Whilst the lady of the house was out watching a certain North London team start their season (albeit a little late), I decided to venture to Collector’s World – a “fascinating and unique experience”,  and perhaps more importantly only a few miles from home. As soon as I had arrived I realised that I’d made […]