Posts Tagged ‘Ladybird Books’

Back in March of last year when I had no idea how to deal with the arrival of the happening, I decided to “…try and post something positive each and every day for the next one hundred days, something that avoids the pathogen in the room because otherwise I’m not entirely sure that said wonky […]

For reference if you’ve come to #51 – #60 before #01 – #10. #51 The picture above, Skating by Moonlight by Ronald Lampitt. Lampitt was one of the great illustrators employed by Ladybird Books (and there were more than a few), and this particular image was tweeted by Helen Day (over at @LBFlyawayhome). Helen’s a […]



“One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.” Aristotle may have been right but today we spotted our first swallow of the year, and that’ll do me just fine. (The image above is a detail from the original […]



I’ve mentioned it before now but for those of you who don’t make a special effort to keep up to date with each and every post I publish (don’t worry I’ve got broad shoulders), I am a collector of Ladybird Books – one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight books and counting to be specific (plus a […]

I think it’s reasonable to assume that I was always going to enjoy an exhibition entitled The Wonderful World of the Ladbybird Book Artists, after all supporting evidence can be found here, here, here and here. That said I’m not without some critical faculties and having to drive across the country to Leicester (which I […]

People At Work


I have to admit that I was less than convinced when I originally became aware of Penguin’s plans to publish a number of titles spoofing Loughborough’s very own Ladybird Books, given that it’s an imprint very close to my heart. As it transpired my concern was misplaced as over the last few years Jason Hazeley and […]

As you’ll probably be aware if you’ve visited these environs before now, I’m a collector of Ladybird Books. In a previous post (from December 2013) about the first Ladybird Book I owned, I noted that since being presented with it (from the play-school I was leaving at the time, circa 1975) I’d “added to the collection” and at the last […]

In the days leading up to our recent trip to the “finest seaside resort in Western Europe” I stumbled across this piece over on the BBC’s website talking about an exhibition on the inordinately talented illustrator Charles Tunnicliffe. Usually when I come across news like this the exhibition in question tends to be happening in […]

Boring IV


So given that Boring was born as a response to the cancellation of the 2010 Interesting Conference it was good to see it relocate to the lovely Conway Hall, owned and operated by the Conway Hall Ethical Society. I think I must have missed last years event so it was great to be returning to this […]

The first Ladybird Book that ever came into my possession was ‘Going To School’. I received this book (I think) as a leaving gift from the play school I attended before entering the world of education proper at the age of five. Given the fact I have almost no memories before the age of about […]