Posts Tagged ‘Trees’

Back in March of last year when I had no idea how to deal with the arrival of the happening, I decided to “…try and post something positive each and every day for the next one hundred days, something that avoids the pathogen in the room because otherwise I’m not entirely sure that said wonky […]



I’ve mentioned it before now but for those of you who don’t make a special effort to keep up to date with each and every post I publish (don’t worry I’ve got broad shoulders), I am a collector of Ladybird Books – one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight books and counting to be specific (plus a […]

I took the picture above earlier today while out at Sculthorpe Moor with Mrs Weir, and it triggered a memory. After checking my records – it always pays to keep meticulous records – I was able to confirm that I took an almost identical photograph on the very same day a year previously.  Scanning further […]

Another batch of Ladybird books has arrived at Weir HQ and I don’t think I’ve ever added a finer selection to the number that I already own. Thanks to a colleague’s local auction house I am now the owner of a number of 1st edition Ladybirds resplendent in pristine matching dust jackets. Admittedly they’re some of […]