Archive for July, 2020

Mrs Weir and I were due to be back up in the North this week, however as we’re not as blindly confident as the government about how things are working out post lockdown, we decided to cancel our plans and made the decision to remain in the county of Norfolk, which to be frank is not […]



It’s always worth looking up.



Thankfully the ability to travel a little further happened just before the summer solstice. Leaving Mrs Weir to continue her admirable efforts to sleep, I left the house just after 3am to drive up to the North Norfolk coast and sit and watch the sun come slowly up. The weather forecast the previous day had […]

As restrictions on movement have eased (albeit because the government have decided to make decisions based on commercial rather than medical evidence) I’ve been venturing marginally further from home for the first time in months. The initial location I chose for these (somewhat) extended journeys, was Ongar Hill. Thankfully usually free of people at the […]