Sunday Follows


And the weekend finished entirely free of football.

In fact Sunday was another day out and about as it was the “Heritage Buildings Open Day“. So in chronological order (because it’s important to keep things neat and tidy eh) we visited : (01) The Masonic Temple buried deep within the somewhat shabby surroundings of The Duke’s Head Hotel. We’ve been before but it’s such a peculiar world that it’s worth going again.

(02) The Lynn Horticultural Society Show – at the King’s Lynn Arts Centre, which is another peculiar world, as indicated by some of the exhibits. (03) 27, King Street – “one of the outstanding Georgian town houses in Lynn” although it was difficult to tell because so little of it was actually open to see. (04) The Majestic Cinema – which again we went to last year but as it’s such a wonderful building we went again. The roof was closed this time (and apparently shouldn’t have been opened last time) but the front stained-glass windows were open to see (from the inside obviously) and they along with the hidden ceilings and columns (that had been plaster boarded out of view) were rather wonderful to see. (05) St Margaret’s Church – where we didn’t loiter as they’d just finished Morning Service and it seemed a bit churlish to intrude too much. (06) Thoresby College – which we passed through having been many times before. (07) The Green Quay – although only for provisions and to watch a selection of gentleman dressed in period costumes pass along. (08) St Ann’s House – which was a building opened for the first time this year and a building that we go by every working day and don’t really appreciate at all. True of so many of the buildings opened today. (09) St Nicholas Church – where it’s always nice to reacquaint oneself with Robinson Cruso.

(10) True’s Yard Fishing Museum – “a community museum that celebrates the story of the North End fisher folk”, which could do with a little more love and a lot more in it. And they could also do with ditching the grumpy signage prohibiting photography. (11) And finally the Red Mount Chapel – a 15th century chapel recently restored and in much demand (we queued for forty minutes or so (the only queue of the day) although were entertained by the Town Band in the distance, playing “The Liberty Bell” aka the theme tune to Monty Python’s Flying Circus).

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